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X'inhu Għaddej...fil-Ħandaq

Maths Trail 2017 - Upper Barrakka Gardens Valleta

On Monday the 24th of April, our Mathematics teachers Ms Cynthia Caruana and Ms Rachel Farrugia organised a Maths Trail outing for a selection of Form 3 Track 1 students from 3.9 and 3.10.

We took the students to the Upper Barrakka in Valletta where the students were divided into small groups, all of which had to go through 6 stages of activitiies. Each stage involved Mathematical activities like measuring, estimations and calculations from the environment around them.

The aim of this activity was to help the students visualise Mathematics around them as well as applying Mathematics in a new and unusual setting.

The whole activity was a very successful one since the students learned new concepts, were very well behaved and also enjoyed themselves. 

Ms R Farrugia & Ms C Caruana - Mathematics Teachers

Ġimgħa Mqaddsa 17 - Mejda tal-Appostli Subien Ħandaq

Festa Sant' Injazju 2016 

Nhar il-Ħamis 20 t' Ottubru fil-Kulleġġ Sant' 'Injazju Skola Sekondarja tas-Subien tal-Ħandaq  kienet iċċelebrata l-festa ta' Sant' Injazju. L-istudenti tat-tielet sena attendew għall-kommemorazzjoni tal-qaddis permezz ta' dokumentarju  mhejji għall- okkażjoni. Wara saru aċċenni dwar il-ħajja tal-qaddis u r-relevanza tagħhom fil-ħajja ta' llum.

Mr V. Galea - Għalliema tal-Malti

The London Project

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